Lawyers in The Prat News

Juridical studio in The Prat, are pleaded specialists in civil right. In this section will find notícias on: Pleaded specialists in civil right - right Lawyers of familyAides and labour Lawyersadministrative right Lawyersmercantile right LawyersLawyers penalistas
Cómo crear en casa un puesto de trabajo eficiente y con buena conexión a Internet

How create home a place of efficient work and with good connection to Internet

To create a place of efficient work home needs of a good connection to internet. We count you how you can achieve it without spending a lot of money and how find the best type of service that adapt to your needs.
Suministros y gestión de fincas

Supplies and management of fincas

You knew that an expert management in fincas and properties can help you to save a lot of money? In this article explain you his importance, in addition to speaking on how actuate the supplies of energy of the most efficient form.


They have publidado 2 very important laws and that goes to deserve be commented during these months since it goes in in subjects of Violence of generate, horizontal property taking advantage of the approve important norms to dip of coladillo some reformillas that are of big importance.
El Código Civil Catalán

The Civil Code Catalan

Following with the subject of the prescription wanted to treat the subject of the Civil Code Catalan that has different characteristics in this regard not having to forget that said juridical body is an integrated legal body, that is to say, that when interpreting the civil right of Catalonia have to take the civil jurisprudence of the court
La Ley Vasca regula la custodia de los hijos

The Basque Law regulates the custody of the children

The Basque law that regulates the custody shared of the children of separate couples or divorced and that it will be able to apply also in the review of the regimes of custody already defined has gone in in force. The norm was approved in the Basque Parliament the past 30 June and published in the Official Bulletin 
Tramitar la nacionalidad dejará de ser gratuito a partir de ahora

Transact the nationality will leave to be free from now

The Thursday 15 October of the 2105, went in in force the reform of the Civil Register that modifies the formalities for the obtaining of the nationality by residence, a management that up to now was free and that among the administrative taxes, the documentation compulsada
El TS avala indemnizar por daños morales a las víctimas del ruido insoportable de un bar

The TS endorses to indemnify by moral harms to the victims of the noise insoportable of a bar

The Supreme has endorsed the compensation of 5.000 euros that the attendant of the disk-bar “Chiringuito” of Campillo of Altabuey (Cuenca) has to pay to each one of the two neighbours to which subjected to a “noise insoportable” 

It contacts with us!

You can do it by means of the form of contact, email, telephone or visiting our office.
Estudi Castella
C. Castella, 26-28, The Prat of Llobregat, Barcelona

935 106 765


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